Chad Binkley


Chad Binkley

Master Trainer  |  (805)-570-0069  |

About the Trainer

Chad has worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years training clients in many areas of physical fitness, such as Martial Arts, Injury Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, Power Lifting, Body Building, Functional Training and more.

Chad officially started his health and fitness education through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and continued his education through the International Sports Science Academy (ISSA). Because of the fact that no one person is the same as another, Chad has learned that there is no single workout that is "best" for everyone. Because of this, Chad believes all training programs should be tailored to the unique specifications of his individual client's genetics, time allotted to train and fitness goals. Efficiency in training is always the path he chooses for his clientele and has proven his methods time and time again with clients of all ages, shapes, sizes, abilities, personalities and goals.

Chad is very friendly and loves working with individuals to reach not only their current goals, but also to create new ones.


• National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
• International Sports Science Academy (ISSA)


Stephanie Chamlee


Greg Duimovich